Lake Free­man Tree Trimming

If you need tree trim­ming on Lake Free­man, you need to call Madi­son Spe­cial­ized Ser­vices. They have climbers for those dif­fi­cult jobs and are cer­ti­fied and insured. MSS has also received the Angi Super Ser­vice Award. In addi­tion to tree trim­ming they do con­crete work, patios, dri­ve­ways, etc. Grace and Bran­don Madi­son head up the crew. Give them a call 5742281820 or vis­it madis​on​spe​cial​ized​ser​vices​llc​.com

Madison Logo
Call Brandon for an estimate at 574-228-1820

Crasian Brew­ery has great beer

Maybe I

the best in the craft brew­ing craze is Crasian Brew­ing in Brook­ston, Indi­ana. Crasian is also one of the coolest. Tom and Michele Bul­ing­ton are the pro­pri­etors and boy do they know how to brew tasty beers. A trip over to vis­it them and the real­ly cool tast­ing room is well worth it. If you go bring a small note, poem of words of wis­dom. roll it up and stick it in one of the mor­tar cracks. Very cool. Usu­al­ly have five or six beers on tap and you can leave with a growler or crowler. Keep an eye out for Crasian beers to be on tap at bars in the area. Fol­low them on Face­book. Crasian​Brew​ing​.com


GT Carts

Recreational Golf Carts in Indiana
For the high­est qual­i­ty and best ser­vice vis­it GT Carts 

After you dock your boat, go for a cruise around the neigh­bor­hood.… in a GT Cart! Matt, Ben and Jason Grit­ten will do what ever they can to put you in the per­fect recre­ation­al golf cart. They also have a huge inven­to­ry. You are sure to find the per­fect cart in your bud­get. Vis­it them in Mon­ti­cel­lo or north of Indy in Cicero. With carts that look this good you’ll be buy­ing! Check out their site at gtcarts​.com

GT Logo
A GT Cart is much fun to drive as it is to look at. And boy they look good.

Whyte Horse Winery

Here’s a cool place we love in Mon­ti­cel­lo. In just a few short years The Whyte Horse Win­ery has become one of the area’s top attrac­tions. Maybe it’s their sto­ry, maybe it’s the cool farm house and grounds, it’s def­i­nite­ly the great wine. they have won numer­ous awards. One sip and you’ll under­stand why. Vis­it their web­site at www​.whyte​horsewin​ery​.com


Gas and Snacks on Lake Freeman

Lake Freeman Indiana Gas Dock and Snacks
Susan’s has it all. Fill up your boat and yourself.

Susan Wag­n­er has been oper­at­ing the coolest gas dock on Free­man for years. She, her fam­i­ly and her staff serve up smiles with a splash of sar­casm. Susan’s is a great pit stop des­ti­na­tion while adven­tur­ing on Lake Free­man. It’s not just for gas, kids love the can­dy and ice cream. Adults love the help her staff gives while dock­ing. Cruise by their site at www​.Susans​Free​man​Bay​.com Bet­ter yet, boat on by, you’ll be back time and time again.

Lake Free­man Life loves Susan’s Free­man Bay!

Susans Freeman Bay Sticker or Magnet
Support Susan's "Dog's for A Cause" Annual hot dog fund raiser.

Real Estate Network

So you’ve just spent a week­end at a friend’s cot­tage on Lake Free­man. Now you want to buy a place. Vis­it www​.homes​-by​-net​work​.com Or give em a call and ask for Gil­da. They list more cab­ins, cot­tages and homes on Lake Free­man than any­one. They’re easy to work with, strive to find your fam­i­ly the per­fect fit and won’t pres­sure you.

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Lake Freeman Facts

Did you know?

Lake Freeman was originally called Lake Delphi