We share Lake Free­man with so many won­der­ful fish, birds and animals


Just a few of the beautiful creatures you'll spot around Lake Freeman

Come see the Eagles on lake Freeman.

It’s that time of year. Start­ing in mid-Feb­ru­ary until the mid-April, our Bald Eagle pop­u­la­tion is hun­gry. You can spot them out on the melt­ing ice, fly­ing about and perch­ing in trees. Lindy Kar­berg, a long time Lake Free­man res­i­dent, is an Eagle whis­per­er! He has Eagles perch right out his win­dow. We have also heard of Gold­en Eagle sight­ings. The largest of Eagles with wingspans up to sev­en feet! Lake Free­man has enjoyed so many feath­er vis­i­tors over the last two years. Swans, White Pel­i­cans, Cranes. Bust out the binoc­u­lars and enjoy the sights.

Lake Freeman Bald Eagle
So beautiful. Thank you Lindy Karberg for a beautiful image

The fish are biting. 

Every year the SFLECC stocks Lake Free­man with fin­ger­lings. The Wall­eye have grown and Tom and Michele Bul­ing­ton have proof. Seems like the fish­ing is get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter espe­cial­ly on the deep­er chan­nels and around docks and sub­merged trees.

There's nothing like reeling in a keeper.

Lake Free­man and the sur­round­ing area is home to a wide range of rare species. There has been a lot of talk about the mus­sels in the low­er Tippeca­noe Riv­er, but there are so many oth­er incred­i­ble ani­mals to observe right on Lake Free­man. Keep your eyes open and you’re sure to spot some crea­tures. Enjoy our incred­i­ble resource that is Lake Free­man Indiana!

Bald Eagles, were on the endan­gered species list, but have enjoyed a big resur­gence and Lake Free­man pro­vides the per­fect win­ter-feed­ing ground. The North Amer­i­can Riv­er Otter has also been rein­tro­duced and is thriv­ing. Lis­ten close­ly and you’ll hear the unmis­tak­able knock­ing sound of the Pileat­ed wood­peck­er. They are big, beau­ti­ful birds. These are just a few exam­ples. Grab a pair of binoc­u­lars, hop in the boat and see them first hand. Have you seen Bald Eagles, Hawks, Heron, Rac­coons and Deer? Send in your pictures!

Here’s some fish you can catch in Lake Freeman 

There has been an aggres­sive fish restock­ing pro­gram under­way on Lake Free­man for a cou­ple of years. Water qual­i­ty has improved dra­mat­i­cal­ly. While drop­ping a line, you may catch a vari­ety of fish includ­ing: Large­mouth Bass, Small­mouth Bass, Striped Bass, White Bass, Wall­eye, Cat­fish, Crap­pie, and Bluegill. There was even a huge Musky tak­en just below the Oak­dale Dam in the Spring of 2012! For the lat­est fish­ing report go here— www​.fish​ing​notes​.com/​f​i​s​h​i​n​g​-​r​e​p​o​r​t​/​i​n​/​L​a​k​e​-​F​r​eeman. 

Listen for the unmistakable knocking of the Pileated Woodpecker
There is no better feeling than catching your first fish.
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass

Fishing Shots

Lake Freeman Facts

Created: 1925 by the completion of the Oakdale Dam