We’ve enjoyed a spec­tac­u­lar Summer!

Ok, we’ve had some real­ly hot days, but gor­geous weath­er most­ly. The Fire­works Show was the best ever! Thank you Kat­ri­na. The Madam Car­roll is not only the largest boat in Indi­ana, it’s the most fun. White Oaks Camp­ground is rolling. Susan’s Free­man Bay is a fan favorite. The Sand­bar has been packed. Fish­ing and water-sports have been great. Some of the most spec­tac­u­lar sun­sets in Indi­ana too! I think we need to pinch our­selves and say thank you God! We hope you find Lake​Free​man​Life​.com use­ful, we are going to be mak­ing some changes mov­ing for­ward. Stay tuned.

Talk to us, share your pho­tos. If you have any ques­tions, please email and we will respond quick­ly. Fol­low us on Face­book. Remem­ber one thing, If you’re lucky to live by the Lake, you’re lucky enough!

Preiboy Party
The Sandbar is fun for the whole family.

Well we are biased, but Lake Free­man is absolute­ly amaz­ing. If you are look­ing for a lake house here’s your check list—

1. Ten miles long, not a bor­ing puddle

2. Sand bot­tom, no muck

3. A big vari­ety of homes and price points

4. A fan­tas­tic sand­bar for a boat­ing destination

5. Restau­rants, beach bars and a giant par­ty boat

6. Great ramps

7. A full ser­vice Marina

8. Incred­i­ble wildlife includ­ing abun­dant Bald Eagles 

9. An island and his­toric Bridge

10. Great fishing

What's your biggest pet peeve when guests visit?

A Touching Video "A Good Run"

Here is an incred­i­bly touch­ing show that recaps one mans mem­o­ries and gets to the heart of the spe­cial expe­ri­ence that is boat­ing. We’ve all had many of these moments on Lake Free­man. It was pro­duced and post­ed cour­tesy of Dis­cov­er Boat­ing. Enjoy!

Lake Freeman Facts

Did you know?

Oakdale Dam Inn is on the location of the Mess Hall for the crew who built The Dam.