Say no to Sandwiches

So you’re at the lake and get­ting ready for a fun day on the lake. Sure, a bag of chips and some Turkey sand­wich­es are easy, but with a lit­tle plan­ning you can be feast­ing on some grilled gourmet. A small gas grill is all you need (I pre­fer the Weber Q) and a recipe from The Sand­bar Chef. It’s no secret Lake Free­man has the best Sand­bars in Indi­ana, show off and make all the oth­er boaters jeal­ous. We’ll be adding recipes and tips frequently.

It’s on! Plan your great dish. Bring enough to share and be cre­ative. See you at the sandbar!


Steak Kabob’s

This is a Sand­bar favorite and super easy. Bring out the fla­vor by mar­i­nat­ing the kabobs. The secret is the one gal­lon plas­tic bag, add some steak sea­son­ing, olive oil and gar­lic sauce. Mari­nade for at least two hours. The best part? It’s on a stick!



  • Two 8oz Ribeye Steaks
  • Four Roma Tomatos
  • Two Large Green Peppers
  • One Vidalia Onion


  • Cube everything and skewer it. Cook at medium heat, you want to get the veggies cooked too.


Here is an awe­some treat that pairs well with beer, any beer. Stuffed Jalapeños. They are super easy to grill and can be eat­en with your fingers. 



  • Eighteen Jumbo Jalapeno peppers
  • One-pound Thick cut bacon
  • One 16 ounce bag of shredded cheddar cheese
  • Two 12-oz bars of cream cheese


  • This recipe requires a special grilling rack that can be purchased online or anywhere they sell grilling accessories. Step one is to prepare the Jalapenos. Start by cutting off the tops and remove the seedpods. Take a butter knife and scrape the inside of each Jalapeno. The thin film is what makes it really hot. Next, cook up the bacon, crispy. Remove any large fat chunks and crumble. Alternate stuffing the Jalapenos with bacon/cheddar and bacon/cream cheese. Here’s the important part, grill them slowly, medium heat for approximately 25-30 minutes. Let cool and enjoy!

If you can’t beat em, eat em!

In case you’ve been under a rock, Lake Free­man has been besieged by a few folks who seem to have the answers for pro­tect­ing five species of endan­gered mus­sels and clams on the low­er Tippeca­noe River.

Have you ever eat­en mus­sels? Me nei­ther, I just tried them for the first time and they are deli­cious! You can’t eat the endan­gered ones, that will land you in jail.

Buy the ones in your local gro­cery store or fish market.

They are super easy to pre­pare and pair won­der­ful­ly with a Pinot Noir.


  • Place 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water or white wine in a pot.
  • Turn the heat to high.
  • Place mussels into the pot and cover.
  • Let cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • When steam starts coming from under the lid, and the shells are open, they're done.
  • Place on a pasta bed with some artichoke hearts and red sauce and enjoy!
Lake Freeman Facts

Did you know?

Lake Freeman was originally called Lake Delphi