Fooda­palooza was a big fes­tive, gut stuff­ing hit!

Fooda­palooza 24 was enjoyed by hun­dreds. What a beau­ti­ful day, the weath­er was amaz­ing. Over 30 grills were fired up, and some very cre­ative drinks, desserts and fin­ger food. Top hon­ors went to Tree lancers and their Pork Swords. But every­one did such a great job! We enjoyed, bacon-wrapped Ore­o’s, French Mac­a­roons, A char­cu­terie board in a cup, Pineap­ple kabobs, Jel­lo shots in syringes. So much cre­ativ­i­ty. And thank you every­one for shar­ing. Yes we had some great prizes, but Fooda­palooza is all about Lake friends hav­ing a great time togeth­er. A big shout out to all our Lake sup­port­ers: Sports­man Inn, Oak­dale Bar & Grill, Tall Tim­bers, Susan’s Free­man Bay, The Madam Car­roll and The Sum­mer Beach House. THANK YOU! A $100 dona­tion will also be made to Food Find­ers to help those in need. Enjoy the photos.

Foodapalooza 2024

IMG 4203

No one left hungry! So much fun.

100 fun things to do around Lake Freeman

  1. Go for a cruise on the boat
  2. Work on your tan (But put on some sunscreen)
  3. Enjoy friends and family
  4. Enjoy a bonfire
  5. Don’t for­get the S’mores
  6. Hit Indi­ana Beach Amuse­ment Park
  7. Catch a flick at the Twin Lakes Drive-In
  8. Come on, at least try waterskiing
  9. Fish for Bass, Crap­pie and Walleye
  10. Check out a Fest in down­town Monticello
  11. Go for a tast­ing at Whyte Horse Winery
  12. Go to a sports event at Pur­due. Boil­er Up!
  13. Golf at Tippeca­noe or Bat­tle Ground C.C.
  14. Maybe minia­ture golf is your style
  15. Ride Bikes
  16. Ride Hors­es at Crooked Creek
  17. Ride a four-wheel­er through the woods
  18. Ride a Jet Ski around Ski Island
  19. Jump off your dock!
  20. Wear wild swim shorts
Enjoy a Bonfire
  1. Wear a wild bikini 
  2. Eat at the His­toric Sportsman’s Inn 
  3. Jog around the Lake. (Or at least try!) 
  4. Sleep out in a tent 
  5. Ahh!, a frosty Mar­gari­ta at The Boat House. 
  6. Read a book by the Lake 
  7. Fire­works. Fire­works. Fireworks! 
  8. Watch an awe­some sunset 
  9. Go fly a kite 
  10. Go for walk and enjoy the fresh air 
  11. Go to Crasian Brewery 
  12. Get up ear­ly and watch the sunrise 
  13. Stay up late and gaze at the bril­liant stars 
  14. Catch a band on the Madam Carroll 
  15. Get an Ice Cream Bar at Susan’s Free­man Bay 
  16. Tube with your best friend! 
  17. Bird watch. Wood­peck­ers to Eagles. 
  18. Rel­ish a big, deep breathe of fresh air 
  19. Play vol­ley­ball at the sandbar 
  20. Explore the countryside
Hit Indiana Beach Amusement Park
Play volleyball at the sandbar
  1. Catch a local band
  2. Buy veg­eta­bles at local stand
  3. Make sil­ly faces
  4. Mas­ter pad­dle boarding
  5. Get mar­ried lakeside
  6. Duck under Tio­ga Bridge
  7. Jump off the Tio­ga Bridge (Only kidding)
  8. Enjoy some Indi­ana Lobster
  9. Go duck hunting
  10. Hunt for clams and mussels
  11. Take a ride in a golf cart
  12. Play Beers­bee” at the Sandbar
  13. When was the last time you did a cannonball?
  14. When was the last time you skinny-dipped?!
  15. Join the yacht club
  16. Look at the Dam from Oak Dale Dam Bar & Grill
  17. Go the whole week­end with­out shaving
  18. Break out your guitar
  19. Vis­it a local business
  20. Grab a beer and a game at Anglers
Come on, at least try waterskiing
Get married lakeside
  1. Play a game of cards
  2. Get a pad­dle and Kayak
  3. Swing in a hammock
  4. Take a nap
  5. Why does beer taste so good at the Lake?
  6. Keep an eye out for deer
  7. Catch fire flies
  8. Turn OFF the TV
  9. Turn up the music
  10. Have a water bal­loon fight with the kids
  11. Open the windows
  12. Play Bags” with your buddies
  13. Go Antiquing
  14. Climb a tree
  15. Plant a tree
  16. Enjoy the Fall colors
  17. Jump in a pile of leaves
  18. Catch a frog
  19. Smile more
  20. Sing some Karaōke
Watch an awesome sunset
  1. Play hide and go seek
  2. Play ghost in the graveyard
  3. Play Mar­co Polo (Wait don’t)
  4. Skip Stones
  5. Throw some shrimp on the BBQ
  6. Eat out­side
  7. Tell ghost stories
  8. Let your dog walk you
  9. Check out down­town Delphi
  10. Check out down­town Brookston
  11. Eat a watermelon
  12. Buy the kids bubbles
  13. Do a flip on a wakeboard
  14. It’s five o’clock somewhere
  15. Let the kids stay up late
  16. Vis­it the Mon­ti­cel­lo His­tor­i­cal Society
  17. Wave at some­one on a boat
  18. Check out all the cool lake houses
  19. Buy a cool lake house
Make silly faces

Some Good Tips When Launch­ing Your Boat.

I saw this and just had to share it. Always important to be kind and mindful at the boat ramp. Ha! The stories I could tell.
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Length: 11.99 miles.