If you can’t beat em, eat em!

In case you’ve been under a rock, Lake Free­man has been besieged by a few folks who seem to have the answers for pro­tect­ing five species of endan­gered mus­sels and clams on the low­er Tippeca­noe River.

Have you ever eat­en mus­sels? Me nei­ther, I just tried them for the first time and they are deli­cious! You can’t eat the endan­gered ones, that will land you in jail.

Buy the ones in your local gro­cery store or fish market.

They are super easy to pre­pare and pair won­der­ful­ly with a Pinot Noir.


  • Place 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water or white wine in a pot.
  • Turn the heat to high.
  • Place mussels into the pot and cover.
  • Let cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • When steam starts coming from under the lid, and the shells are open, they're done.
  • Place on a pasta bed with some artichoke hearts and red sauce and enjoy!
Lake Freeman Facts

Length: 11.99 miles.