Gas and Snacks on Lake Freeman

Lake Freeman Indiana Gas Dock and Snacks
Susan’s has it all. Fill up your boat and yourself.

Susan Wag­n­er has been oper­at­ing the coolest gas dock on Free­man for years. She, her fam­i­ly and her staff serve up smiles with a splash of sar­casm. Susan’s is a great pit stop des­ti­na­tion while adven­tur­ing on Lake Free­man. It’s not just for gas, kids love the can­dy and ice cream. Adults love the help her staff gives while dock­ing. Cruise by their site at www​.Susans​Free​man​Bay​.com Bet­ter yet, boat on by, you’ll be back time and time again.

Lake Free­man Life loves Susan’s Free­man Bay!

Susans Freeman Bay Sticker or Magnet
Support Susan's "Dog's for A Cause" Annual hot dog fund raiser.
Lake Freeman Facts

Created: 1925 by the completion of the Oakdale Dam